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You can pass ESLint Node.js API constructor options to the plugin, or you can pass the extra options.

Constructor Options

Common options and descriptions are listed below, complete links are provided in the sidebar.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to automatically fix.


  • Type: boolean
  • ESLint default: false
  • Plugin default: true

Whether to enable the cache. The cache is enabled by default to improve speed.


  • Type: string
  • Default: .eslintcache

The path to the cache.

Extra Options

Extra options and explanations are listed below.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to run ESLint under test mode. See Command Line Interface and Configuring Vitest for more.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to run ESLint under serve command. See Command Line Interface for more.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to run ESLint under build command. See Command Line Interface for more.


  • Type: string | string[]
  • Default: ['src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,vue,svelte}']

This option specifies the files you want to lint. You don't need to change it in most cases, unless the include and exclude ranges overlap.

If you're using the plugin defaults, the plugin will only call eslint.lintFiles in the transform hook. The option value will be used to create a filter to determine if the call should be made and the parameter of the call, which means that the option value needs to fulfill the requirements of [email protected].

If you enable the lintOnStart option, the plugin will also call eslint.lintFiles in the buildStart hook. The option value will not be used to create a filter, but will be used directly as the call parameter, which means that the option value also needs to fulfill the [email protected] requirement.

If you disable the lintDirtyOnly option, the plugin will use the option value as the call parameter every time it calls eslint.lintFiles, which means that the option value also needs to fulfill the requirements of [email protected].


  • Type: string | string[]
  • Default: ['node_modules', 'virtual:']

This option specifies the files you don't want to lint. You don't need to change it in most cases, unless the include and exclude ranges overlap.

The plugin forces the virtual module to be ignored and you don't need to do any configuration related to it here.

If you're using the plugin defaults, the plugin will only call eslint.lintFiles in the transform hook. The option value will be used to create a filter to determine if the call should be made and the parameter of the call, which means that the option value needs to fulfill the requirements of [email protected].

If you enable the lintOnStart option or disable the lintDirtyOnly option, the option value will not take effect. You need to change include value to include this option value.


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'eslint'

Path to ESLint that will be used for linting. Use dynamic import under the hood. Read server.fs first.

If you want to use the flat config system in ESLint v8, set the value to 'eslint/use-at-your-own-risk'. Place a flat config file in the root of your project or set the ESLINT_USE_FLAT_CONFIG environment variable to true and pass the option overrideConfigFile to the plugin if you are using other config files. You can learn more from Flat config rollout plans and Configuration Files (New).


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'stylish'

The name or the path of a formatter.

This is used to load a formatter in order to convert lint results to a human- or machine-readable string.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Lint in worker. This is disabled by default.

When lint in worker, Vite build process will be faster. You will not see Vite error overlay, Vite build process will not be stopped, even with errors shown in terminal.

It is similar with @nabla/vite-plugin-eslint and vite-plugin-checker, but @nabla/vite-plugin-eslint only supports linting in worker, vite-plugin-checker can show you errors and warnings in browsers.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Lint include option specified files once in buildStart hook to find potential errors. This is disabled by default.

This will significantly slow down Vite first starting if you have no caches and don't enable lintInWorker.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Lint changed files only when running ESLint except from buildStart hook. This is enabled by default.

This plugin will lint include option specified files when disabled.

chokidar (deprecate soon)


Deprecate soon. Do not use.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Run ESLint in Chokidar change event instead of transform hook.

If you enable this one, it is recommended to also enable lintOnStart.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Emit found errors. This is enabled by default.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Emit found errors as warnings. This is disabled by default but you may want it enabled when prototyping.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Emit found warnings. This is enabled by default.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Emit found warnings as errors when enabled. This is disabled by default.